The fire dance with sound ceremony will be held on the 19th of Sep.
I will play flute,crystal bowls,tuning forks drum with singing.
Its gonna be great event so come and join us🌝
We have another website which we’ll share more upcoming events and workshops
Please click here
We held a concert at Madamamura on May 20th.
We are very glad that many people came to our cafe and enjoyed this concert.
Cesar who is from Ecuador in South America.
He is a multi instrumentalist who plays several instruments such as traditional zampoña,drum,violin,kind of mandolin,and so on.
We were very impressed by his show that he was playing them so well.We felt so refreshing by his music.
Thank you very much Cesar coming all the way from Kyushu and and showing us your wonderful music.Also Thank you very much Kawanishi san and other staff for all your help and support:)
南米出身のセサル・マイグアさんによる アンデスの音色がまだま村に
「CESAR CONCERT」南米出身のセサル・マイグアさんによる
Madamamura Spring Concert on the 20 th of May(Fri)
(Please check out more details down below and booking 072-649-3800)
開場(open)13:00 開演(Start)13:30
場所 まだま村 Place at Madamamura
Price 3000yen 自由席
JR茨木 11:01am 12:01am
阪急茨木 10:52 am 11:52am
川西みどり AM 11:00〜
Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful and
very powerful music!!
We had a very deep moment by your great music.We really appreciate it!!
Thank you for coming!!
Our next event to be held on November 30th(Sun)
“Roots of raga”
Open 16:30 Start 17:30pm(2hour)
Ticket Advance 3000yen Door 3500yen(include 1drink)
Online booking
New Moon Party、平日にもかかわらず、パワフルな新月の前日に遠方からも多数お越し下さいまして誠にありがとうございました。皆様に書いていただいた、新月の願い事はまだま村の囲炉裏でしっかりと燃やさせていただきました。ハワイから来日の野崎友璃香さんのイルカのお話やメディテーション、愛知ソニアさんの力強い宇宙からのメッセージ、そしてナオコワンの歌、素晴らしい時間を皆様と共有できましたことを心から深く感謝申し上げます。野崎友璃香さん、愛知ソニアさん、そしてお越しいただきました皆様、ありがとうございました!
Thank you very much for joining our event!! There were some people came far away from our place and they joined this event such as Okayama, Aichi,Tokyo, etc…Thank you so much for coming!!We burned your wishes that you wrote during this New Moon party in oder to make a wish come true .We want to thank Nozaki Yurika from Hawaii she shared so many interesting stories about dolphins and she took us to the different world through “Dolphin meditation” We also want to thank Aichi Sonia who shared messages from universe that came through her mouth .That was very interesting messages which opened our mind and heart. We really appreciate each one of you coming and spending time together at this very powerful moment “New Moon”
The guest speakers Sonia Ai who is author of “Power vs Force”
She used to live in Canada with her family and she has been writing many books and exploring about life,spirit and universe.
Yurika she is from Big island of Hawaii. She is author of “Hawaiian Detox”and “She met and heard from Dolphins”
She is one of the person who took group of people to Bahama area in oder to swim with a wild dolphins and now she has been teaching people about how to become healthy & how to detox your mind and body.
Naocoone from Madamamura she will be the host of this event and also perform as singer.
for more information
please contact